Below, Guests beginning to arrive. Approximately 80-85 people attended.
(Pictures are in no particular order...)
The sign in the tree below reads..."We don't skinny dip, we chunky dunk!"
The guests of honor, Nikki and TJ.
The guests line up for a dinner of barbeque, slaw, baked barbeque'd potatoes, baked beans, and rolls.
Ashley with Isaac and Ivan...
Just noticed below, our Pastor is the only one with a plate of desserts! :) Can't blame him, they were all delicious!
This was Nikki and TJ's first wedding shower. They were very blessed with a multitude of wonderful gifts!
I didn't take near the pictures I would have liked. I only managed to get one of my own children, just Ashley. But I had the perfect excuse, getting caught up in fellowship with family and friends!
Thursday, I will post the recipes of the three desserts I provided, including the Italian Creme Cake, below!
That looks like a fun party, Rhonda!
Sheila :-)