
Sunday, April 24, 2016

Brighten Your Desk With A Clipboard Bursting With Beautiful Blooms

For the first time in my 40-something years, I have a desk job.

I really have adapted much better than I anticipated.
Being a dominant right brain-creative soul as opposed to an analytical lefty,
I've found that making my space pretty sure helps the doldrums of pushing papers all day.

A couple of weeks ago I shared a decoupage pot project I created,
inspired by a post from The Snug I ran across trending on Facebook,

Along with the pot, another of the projects were decoupaged clipboards.

{Photo above and below borrowed from The Snug Post}
decoupage clipboards

Now wouldn't they just be some kind of fabulous to hold my otherwise bland notepad!

For my clipboard project, I grabbed a bottle of Mod Podge from my craft closet...

...after hitting the local Walmart for fabric, a clipboard,...

...and a pretty set of buttons.

I traced the shape of the clipboard onto the fabric,
and after cutting it out, adhered it in place with Mod-Podge,
and topped with several more coats.


The blue and green beautiful blooms are certain to add a little cheer to my little work space!

If you missed the Weekend Crafting - Floral Decoupage Pot Post,
check it out {HERE}

Hope you all have a great week,
and are able to carve out a little time for creating!  :)


Sharing Post At:
Dwellings - Amaze Me Monday
Between Naps on the Porch - Met Monday
Julie's Lifestyle - Cooking and Crafting with J&J
Coastal Charm - Show and Share
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Us Wednesday
Sadie Seasongoods - Talk of the Town
DIY By Design - Swing Into Spring
Life on Merlin - The Alder Collective
Poofing the Pillow - Thoughts of Home
McCall Manor - Your Inspired Design
Ms. Toody Goo Shoes - Best of the Weekend


Thanks so much for the feature of this post,
Kim (@Savvy Southern Style) - WOW Us Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style

...and Lisa (@Life On Merlin) - The Alder Collective
The Felicity Jar

...and Paula (@Sweet Pea) - Best of The Weekend
Best of the Weekend Link Party


  1. Rhonda, this is really cute! I received one of these as a gift once and it makes a moment of taking notes feel prettier. :)

  2. Cute cute Rhonda! You are a busy Mod Podge gal!

  3. Those are the cutest clipboards in the world!

  4. Rhonda, what a great idea and your clipboard is so cute! Thanks for sharing! Happy Tuesday, Pam @ Everyday Living

  5. Sometimes we forget the simplest things. ModgePodge is my go to decorating medium, that and a final coat of poly-acrylic spray. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. That is such a cute way to brighten up your personal space!

    Warm hugs,

  7. i have a couple of those ugly clipboards and never thought to cover them! Thanks for the inspiration and tute!

  8. I totally LOVE this idea!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  9. I totally LOVE this idea!

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!

  10. Wow you made the clip board look so pretty now. :)
    Thanks for sharing this craft at Cooking and Crafting with J&J.

  11. Even though I taught high school English forever, my corner of my classroom was always filled with my blue and white pieces and art work from home.
    Even when working,we need to feed that side of us too!
    This is a wonderful project Rhonda!
    Thank you for sharing this at TOHOT!

    White Spray Paint

  12. Good Morning Rhonda,
    Oh how I am enjoying this darling clipboard and how it brightens up the day, space and life!
    Thank you for joining us at TOHOT!

  13. I've done this with scrapbook paper but never with fabric. I'm going to try it! Thanks for the how-to!

  14. Such an adorable project and totally have to try this! I have two 12x12 clipboards right now that I'm using for to-do lists, etc. Thanks so much for linking up with The Alder Collective and hope to see more of your posts soon! Have an awesome weekend!

  15. Now this is pretty. And the button is a wonderful finishing touch.

  16. Oh I have a clipboard I can't wait to transform. I am a bit late to the TOHOT party this week due to my college semester finals but I'm so glad that I didn't miss this. Have a wonderful week.

  17. I love this clipboard. Great idea for making something ordinary very cute! sheila

  18. This clipboard looks so cute jazzed up with fabric. I'm featuring you tomorrow night for "Best of the Weekend."


~Thanks for stopping in, and for letting me know you were here! I enjoy your comments! :) ~