
Monday, March 7, 2016

Secret Garden Tour Pt 3 - Architectural Elements

 Only 12 days until Spring officially begins!
And I for one, gladly welcome it's arrival! about you?

After a week fighting the dreadful flu and still not feeling up to par,
I am so far behind in my Easter and Spring preparations!

So, how about some garden inspiration...
 since it's time to get our yards and gardens in tip top condition.

This is the last collection of pictures from The Secret Garden Tour.
The Secret Garden Tour held last fall, was a tour of 13 historical gardens
in Wilmington, NC, hosted by the Lower Cape Fear Historical Society.

You can review Part One {HERE}
and Part Two {HERE}.

You're in for a real treat, as this set focuses on spectacular architectural garden ornaments 
  and elements, ...such as gates...

Another charming architectural element that graced many of these gardens,
were beautiful, aged statues.

The pretty, ornate lady below, stood watch over the newly opened design center
and homestore of a well-known HGTV host.

...Meg Cashwell,
Season Six Design Star Winner and host of  "Great Rooms with Meg."

Last Spring, Meg opened shop in the Wilmington Historical District,
in a 100 year old Fire Station, on 5th and Castle Street.

Isn't this a wonderful, charming building?
It just happens to be beside one of my favorite junkin' spots!

The garden of Meg's shop was one stop on the tour,
and featured several statues and very neat beds.

Onto another garden, a Grecian goddess stands tall beside this beautiful home.

From behind the home,
the majestic steeple of the church across the road is visible.

Statues, stone planters, and others garden ornaments from other gardens...

The last garden to share was beautiful, whimsical, and had so many unique features.
I wish I had visited this one first, before the light shifted making most of my pictures
less than stellar.

The garden had many unexpected ornaments, such as vintage furniture pieces,
and a chandelier...

The gardens on the tour certainly inspired me to add a little interest, life,
 and charm to my yard!
Hopefully by next weekend, I'll be back to normal, and in mine working.

Thanks for joining me on the tour!
See anything that caught your fancy?  :)


Sharing Post At:
Between Naps on the Porch - Met Monday
Coastal Charm - Show and Share
The Dedicated House - Make It Pretty Monday
The Essence of Home - Share Your Style
Poofing the Pillows - Thoughts of Home on Thursday
Confessions of a Plate Addict - The Scoop


  1. Hi Rhonda, I went back to catch the other 2 parts of your Garden Tour. what beauty and Inspiration!! thanks so much for taking us along. I love seeing a garden in Fall, too!

  2. I love looking at beautiful garden like this, and it really is my plan to someday do something other than basic vegetable and cut-flowers in my yard. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Rhonda, I loved this tour of the beautiful features in the gardens! We completed a back yard project last year and still have much to complete in front of our home! Thanks for the inspiring photos! Blessings, Pam @ Everyday Living

  4. Oh to have a chandy in my garden! Thanks for the tour Rhonda, I would love to see Meg's shop!

  5. Beautiful! I wasn't ready for Spring, but it's here whether I wanted it this early or not ;)

    I hope you feel better soon!


  6. Such beautiful and inspiring gardens! There's nothing like the charm of a southern garden. Thanks so much for sharing these, Rhonda. Happy Spring! (and feel better soon)
    Joanne@ Sea Glass Cottage

  7. Just lovely. Visiting gardens is one of my very favorite things to do. Gardens and homes. :)

    So glad you shared this with us at Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Pinned again and again.


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