
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Turning Beloved Vintage Rust Into A Calendar Collection

I'm a collector of vintage,
Mr. Ramblings is a collector of vintage.
...a hobby shared can be both a blessing and a curse...a blessing not so much.

We certainly understand each other's passion for collecting old stuff,
and we support one another in our quests.

However, as the stuff multiplies (x 2), and the collections escalate, 
 we have to be careful that our home doesn't qualify for an episode of Hoarders,
and we often seem to teeter on that edge.  ha!

If you're a collector, married to a collector, I'm sure you can identify!

Mr. Ramblings has quite a collection of old automotive
 and vintage farm goods and memorabilia, including old trucks and tractors.
Nothing turns that man on, like the smell of rust and oil!  ;)

Mr. Ramblings, below, with our daughter and niece...

Several Christmases ago,
I surprised Mr. Ramblings with a calendar made from pictures 
I had taken of some of his vintage tractors.

That man of mine is very hard to buy for...
 Christmas and birthday gifts are always a challenge.

When asking him what he wanted this past Christmas, 
he stated his favorite gift I'd given him to date, was the calendar.

So I broke out the camera, headed to the farm, 
and took several shots of his old Chevy trucks.
The pictures were edited, compiled, and then submitted to Vistaprint online.
Simple, easy, relatively quick process, and my Christmas gift was complete.

The pictures were edited on PicMonkey, 
and we were very pleased with the quality of them printed in the calendar.

The calendar was less than $10, plus shipping.










A few more shots from around the farm, and some of the trucks that didn't make the cut.

Call me crazy, but I see beauty, albeit in an unusual sense,
 in the patina and various shades of the worn paint.
Mr. Ramblings is rubbing off on me!

Wonder whose hands left behind the long forgotten Pepsi bottle, below?

The farm has been in Mr. Ramblings family for over 100 years.
Lord willing, we'll retire there in a few years, and make it our home.
We are both really looking forward to that!

Please let me disclose,
this post was not sponsored by Vistaprint.
I have, however, used their services for many customized projects,
and have always been pleased with the outcome and cost.

I hope you all are staying warm, wherever you may be!
Looks like we're in for a chilly weekend across the nation!
Take care!  :)


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DIY By Design - Winter Blues Wednesday
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Wednesdays
Woods of Bell Trees - Party in Your PJ's
A Burst of Beautiful - Create, Share, Inspire


  1. Rhonda, I think that's a brilliant idea for a gift! I also think you could publish that calendar and sell it nationally.

  2. My son and I were having one of those, "what if" talks today, and I asked him if I were to get an old truck to occasionally haul things, but I still wanted it to look cool, what should I get? "An old Chevy" was his answer!
    Love the truck, and love the clever gift!

  3. What a cool and creative gift Rhonda, your photos are fantastic! I love Vista print, great quality and low prices!

  4. Rhonda, what a great gift and I love the old truck! Your photos are beautiful!
    Pam @ Everyday Living

  5. What a special and precious gift!


  6. What a fantastic gift! And what a nice truck collection :)

    Your photos are beautifully done, Rhonda.


  7. Love these photos, Rhonda! I'm sure your husband loved his gift! Really cool idea.

  8. You never cease to amaze me. What an awesome gift and great idea for the man that has everything. Good job!

  9. Rhonda, I love this idea. Your husband must of been thrilled with your calendar. The pictures are so creatively done. I know exactly what you mean about collecting, we too, have lots of antiques and farm equipment. I would love to try your idea next Christmas for my husband. Thanks for sharing. Kathi

  10. What a great gift! I'll bet that you could sell these if you tried.


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