
Friday, October 16, 2015

Unicorns & Cindy's Other Amazing Sewing Projects

I've been blogging off and on for about 7 years.
And before that, I was active in the RMS (HGTV Rate My Space) community.

How many of you remember the days of RMS?
I met a lot of great ladies who have remained friends over the years.
Like myself, they transitioned from RMS to bloggers,
one of those being Cindy, with Just Another Day In Paradise.

Cindy is an absolute wiz with a sewing needle and a very gifted sewist.
{ new word for the day! "smiles"}
I'm a huge fan of her many creations and asked her to share some on my blog!

Cindy doesn't blog much these days.
She has returned to school, and is a very dedicated Grammy to four sweet little girls.
But she does carve out time to spend creating beautiful projects with her machines.

One of Cindy's latest was for her youngest granddaughter
that turned one just last month...
a precious stuffed unicorn wall hanging bust. 

How cute!

Cindy also made the crib quilt for her granddaughter.
I'll share more on her beautiful quilts in another post... you're in for a treat!

Closeup of the fabric... whimsical bikes!

Cindy makes the cutest dolls, she fondly named, "Grammy Dolls."

Love the combinations of bright colors and pretty fabrics.

More projects...

Tic Tac Toe Game Board

Hot pads...

Walker Bags

Cindy is also a mom to four children and has been making costumes for them for 20+ years,
like the sweet Raggedy Ann and Andy ones, below.

And the adorable ET costume for her oldest son, made about 24 years ago.
Great detail, don't you agree?

Cindy often has the three older girls in her workroom,
 assisting them with creations of their own.

The oldest grand, made the pretty pillows...

What a pretty crew!
It looks like Cindy has some little sewing prodigies on her hands.
I can't think of a better, talented teacher!

A big thanks to Cindy, for allowing me to share her incredible crafty projects!

And to all my blogging friends I've met online over the years...
Like Cindy, you may live across the states, and perhaps few of us have ever met in person.
 But it's wonderful to be bonded by our love for home and family,
and I appreciate the inspiration I gain from each of you!  :)


Sharing Post At:
Miss Toody Goo Shoes - Best of the Weekend
Sadie Seasongoods - Snickerdoodle Sunday
Between Naps on the Porch - Met Monday
Cozy Little House - Tweak it Tuesday
StoneGable - The Scoop
The Dedicated House - Make it Pretty Monday
Savvy Southern Style - WOW Us Wednesday
CD's Country Living - Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop
DIY By Design - Fall Into Fall


  1. LOVE those dolls! Does she sell any of them? And you are so sweet for sharing her gift of being a "sewist" with us. While those who are really talented make it look so easy, I do know from experience that it is not. Thanks so much Rhonda! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! Hugs!!

  2. Rhonda, I'm so touched by this post. You made me sound better at sewing than I really am. Good thing you can't see the mistakes in those pictures, lol! Thank you for featuring me. The girls are spending the night tonight and I'm going to have to show them. They'll be tickled to see themselves on a blog. I'm thinking of going back to blogging. It's such a friendly place and Facebook can get so mean sometimes. :)

  3. ohhhh ET phone home!! Love so many of these gifts, so awesome and beautiful!

  4. What a fabulous post....about a friend! Rhonda, I wish I had a friend like you. That unicorn bust is to die for, and as a Grammy to two sweet darlin' girls, I think I'll be borrowing that idea! Please, please come and share this at my new linkup Five Star Frou-Frou! I know my followers would just adore these ideas. Love, Mimi xxx


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