
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hump Day Summer Reading Highlights 1 - Mary Kay Andrews

This summer I've been catching up on some long overdue reading!
Since I closed my junkin' booths, I've had a little extra time.

My husband and I joined some friends on a cruise through Alaska
at the beginning of June.
Knowing we would have some "down time" and long travel hours,
I packed books from my favorite authors,
one of those in particular being, 
New York Times Best Selling Author, Mary Kay Andrews.

I fell love with Mary Kay Andrews' works
back in 2002 when I first read Savannah Blues,
and met her beloved character,  Weezie.

Mary Kay Andrews is also a fellow junker,
 with a vintage resale booth at Seaside Sisters in Tybee Beach, Ga.
She has two delightful cottages at Tybee Beach 
with the Mermaid Cottages Group.

We have so much in common...
 (minus that I'm not an author...or famous... minor discrepancies)
I feel like Mary Kay and I are best buds, soul sisters, something...
she just doesn't know it!  :)
I digress...

I took along one of Andrews' latest books, Save the Date.
Beach Town, her newbie, I found in a quaint little independent bookstore
while in Juneau, Alaska, Hearthside Books & Toys.

Both were wonderful,  
the type of books you just can't put down,
...even if you have to stay up all night
with your nose stuck deep in the pages 'til the very last one is turned!

Cara, of Save the Date, and Greer from Beach Town, proved to be two more
fascinating, enjoyable characters you can lose yourself in,
as Andrews' leading ladies are.

I'll share the inside jacket covers...

Are you carving out time for reading this summer, too?
Join me next Wednesday, I have more favorites to recommend.
And I'd love to hear about any you are reading and really enjoying!


  1. Hi Rhonda! Oh, I'm sure you had a wonderful time in Alaska. We've been on 3 Alaskan cruises! :) Good books are always good to bring along and I like her work also! I may have to get a couple more. Hope you're having a good week.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. I love her books too! Did you see the features that Rhoda at Southern Hospitality did with Mary Kay Andrews? She actually went to her home and took lots of pictures. It's amazing. :)

  3. Thanks for the info on the books, I want to buy one so I can read by the pool for the summer!

  4. Perfect summer reading!!!...and how great that you did an Alaskan cruise...on my bucket list!

  5. MKA is a favorite of mine too! Your cruise sounds fabulous. My parents have taken the Alaskan cruise before and loved it. Right now it's so hot here, Alaska sounds heavenly.


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