
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

End of Tickle's Journey 2012, The Elf on the Shelf

"Clean Up on Aisle 10,
under the Christmas tree..."

That's where we awoke to find Tickle on Day 17...

Day 18,
Tickle wasn't to be disturbed,
as he read a vintage rendition of...

.... Santa's Toy Shop.

I suppose he must have been getting homesick at this point.

Day 19,
Tickle visited with a Santa Elf! 

Day 20,
Tickle observed "The Reason for The Season,"
by the Nativity Scene.

He made a pretty cute wise man....

Day 21,
Tickle found a dazed and confused Easter Bunny at our door...

The poor little rabbit had come a little too early...
three months too early!

For the next few days,
our family was busy with holiday festivities, and traveling,
so Tickle rested on the mantle!

And then came Day 25,
Christmas Morning...

Tickle hung from the chimney as Santa's look-out...
making sure no children were awake, regardless of their ages,
before the big man in red headed down the chimney to deliver presents! :)

Later on Christmas day,
the biggest{slash}oldest 21 year old kid got in on the "Tickle fun"...

Josh hung the Carolina Elf from the second story railing,
"cause he disrespected him!" ha!

For a family who didn't want to participate in an Elf on the Shelf for years,
for fear they were too old, and way too cool for such,
sure have one-by-one hopped on the bandwagon this year! ha!

On Day 26,
the kids begged for Tickle to stay a few more days.

And on that day,
the bills starting rolling in from Santa...

On Day 28,
Tickle played a spoof of  "Tickle from Moonshiners."

...which is where Tickle our Elf's name originated from!
(per David)

I know, I know,
that sounds so tacky,
but guess what,
it was that or Honey Boo Boo! ha! 

Day 29,
Tickle was getting really homesick,
{and my creativity and ideas were waning}.

Below, Tickle searches for a route home... the North Pole!

"I'm leaving on a jet plane,
don't know when I'll be back again..."

Day 30,
Tickle's journey at our home for 2012 comes to an end.

He bids farewell...

We'll miss those bright, cheerful blue eyes.

The little fellow is some kind of silly, but he really grows on you,
...and makes even those most resistant to his charm,
smile in the end! :)

Who knows, maybe next year he'll have a little (girl)friend to join him!


  1. Tickle is so cute. Such a fun post...funny too!

  2. Tickle's adventures at your house have been incredibly creative and a lot of fun. Happy Trails to Tickle. He has a lot of work ahead in the coming months.

  3. Oh, Rhonda! That little Tickle is so cute and so funny! How cute to see your son getting in on the elf fun! I think I enjoyed my little elf as much as any kid would! We'll have to be thinking of fun and wonderful things for our elves to do next year! Loved your post.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Tickle sure was busy.....a girlfriend next better hope he doesn't bring a bunch of mini elves, if you know what I mean!!!

  5. I bet Tickle went home just to rest --- your family certainly kept him busy!! I think I'll extend an invitation to Tickles' brother for the 2013 Christmas festivities at our home. What a fun, fun post!! For sure -- I'll be back again!!
    Missy M

  6. How cute! You sure did have a lot of family fun with your little Tickles. I know my daughter-in-law was sad to see their little shelf be put away. My grandsons really enjoy having him around....they too miss him.

  7. Don't know how I missed this adorable post! I was looking for more pictures of your trim in your house. I'm determined sometime this year to dress up my front room!


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