
Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Big "Hello Kitty" Birthday to Ashley

Nineteen years ago,

...a precious baby girl made me a Mom for the very first time.

Born at 1:01 am, she was the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever seen! at first glance!

Weighing 9lbs 12 ozs, at birth, she hardly seemed an infant,
but what a good baby she was!

She had her moments at times, as any kid would.
But on a whole, she's been a good one, making her dad and I proud!

And today she celebrated
in grand Hello Kitty style.

.... 'cause she's still a kid at heart, in some sense,

.... and isn't afraid to beat to her own drum!
To be the wonderful individual that she is!

My prayer is that the Lord will bless her with many more years!
...good ones!

And that she will always have laughter and joy in her heart!

Happy 19th Birthday, Ashley!
... Loving you very much, Mom!


Hello Kitty Cake was created by a local baker,
handcrafted in fondant!


Post Linked To:
Mop It Up Monday, Birthday Bash @ I should be mopping the floor


  1. Rhonda, what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to Ashley!! I love "Hello Kitty", too!!

  2. Isn't it amazing what they can do with that fondant? Kellianne's raccoon and peacock on her wedding cake were made out of fondant too.

    Happy birthday Ashley! You're such a beautiful young woman and have the greatest mom in the world! She threw you such a cute birthday party and obviously loves you so much by her posts. Love the Hello Kitty theme!

  3. How adorable. Such a beautiful girl.

    Loved the cake. Just sent you an e-mail.

  4. Lovely daughter, fun party and stunning cake!

  5. I just came across your post today. I can completely relate-my oldest daughter celebrated her
    19th birthday a month ago, and I can not believe how fast those years have gone. She just started her 2nd year of college last week and it just seems like she was starting her first day of school! Awesome cake and pretty flowers!

  6. Hi Rhonda! Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. What a sweet story about her. Love it that she's still such a kid at heart to have that Hello Kitty cake! It's precious! I can hear the pride and love you have for her! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)


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