
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Has It Really Been A Year...

 ....since I last blogged???

No, just seems that way! :)

But it is hard to believe my daughter, Ashley, has finished her FIRST year of college! 
I remember so distinctly, moving her into the dorm last fall, thinking she would probably last only a couple of weeks!  Fortunately, she adjusted much quicker than I did! ha! 
 The year has gone well, she has grown and matured, ...I am one incredibly proud mama! :)

A couple of weeks ago, she attended The Ball at her college.

The following pictures were shots taken around the beautiful campus.


Ashley and her escort, Wesley...

David and I went up for the afternoon.
I volunteered to help her dress, fix her hair, and take pictures,
...and because I can't quite cut those apron strings just yet!  :)

Wesley and David cuttin' the fool!

And Ashley gettin' her silly on...

Ashley, David, and Wesley

And they're off to The Ball...


I'll be back soon with more recipes and projects! :)


  1. Your daughter is beautiful! Love that dress!!! Time does fly. My son just finished his junior year of college and my daughter is graduating from high school (wiping tears). Feels like they were just in kindergarten! I'm not looking forward to being an empty nester.

  2. Your daughter is the dress. Doesn't time fly? My son will be graduating next year from college, I can't believe iT!

  3. She looks pretty. Good to hear from you. I kept checking my dashboard, but I do get behind in that and missed this post.

    Hope you are well.

  4. Your daughter is so pretty and what a lovely dress! How nice you could go and be with her!
    Thanks so much for popping in to see me. I used iPiccy for my header - the mosaic setting:
    Hope it works for you,
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  5. Oh my, she's sooooo grown up and look at how that David of your's has grown! That color is beautiful on her and she looks so happy. Gorgeous dress too. How in the world did she grow up so fast?!

  6. Love this! How fun is that? Can't believe she has already finished her freshman year at Meredith. So glad she enjoyed herself!


~Thanks for stopping in, and for letting me know you were here! I enjoy your comments! :) ~