
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shoeboxes on a Shoestring

Busy - Busy - Busy

Packing the "shoeboxes," below,
to deliver to our church.

Today is the deadline....

Filling the boxes with all sorts of little toys and games,

Washcloths and soap,

Toothbrushes and paste,

Coloring books, crayons, and school supplies,

hard candy,


The boxes will join a multitude of others....

...and through Operation Christmas Child {OCC}, a Project of Samaritan's Purse, will be shipped to precious children in many countries overseas.

Imagine the joyous little children who will receive the boxes. Doesn't look like much by our standards, but to a child who has literally nothing; a priceless blessing!

I look so forward to putting these boxes together every year.

If you want to learn more about Operation Christmas Child, click on the OCC Banner above.

These boxes, personally, cost me very little.

I shop for them year-round, storing the contents until November.

My Tips For Providing Shoeboxes on a Shoestring...

~ Shop Back-to-School Sales

{Thin Notebooks, packs of pencils, and boxes of crayons can be found for 25 cents, or less.}

~ Shop Seasonally - After the Season

{Christmas Stocking Stuffers, Small Valentine gifts, Easter Basket Stuffers, etc. can be found after the season is over, in big box stores marked down for a fraction of the original cost.}

~ Party Supply Section

{Small toys can be found in bag lots, and often a "Clearance" section is offered with great discounts.}

~ For Toiletries & Wash Clothes

{Bundles of such, at small discount chains for great prices; Family Dollar, Maxway, Dollar General, Big Lots, etc.}

~And of course, Dollar Tree

Where everything is a dollar! To fill in items that I haven't found enough of during the year.


And did I mention that super cute Scottie McCreery is the spokesperson for OCC! :)


"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40


  1. Oh, our church has done this for many years! What a blessing to help little ones have a Christmas! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  2. A fellow Bird Lover AND A fellow Shoebox Filler, too!!! We're MADE TO BE FRIENDS!!! I'm your newest follower and hope you'll follow me, too on your next visit!!!

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

  3. A fellow Bird Lover AND A fellow Shoebox Filler, too!!! We're MADE TO BE FRIENDS!!! I'm your newest follower and hope you'll follow me, too on your next visit!!!

    Aimee @ ItsOverflowing

  4. This is a great group! Glad you did this!



  5. We did this too at our church. I'm so thankful to be a part of this. I cried when they showed the video of what it means to one who receives one of these. Kathi


~Thanks for stopping in, and for letting me know you were here! I enjoy your comments! :) ~