
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Simple Fall Mantle

Decided this year to keep the fall decor on the mantle
minimal, clean and simple.

No special reason, I'm not much of a "less is more kind-a-gal."

Just worked out that way! :)

The portrait was of my daughter, Ashley, from her Senior Collection.
She placed it there last year, and I don't have the heart to move it,
so each season I decorate around it!

Few close-up shots...

Linking up post to...
Between Naps on the Porch - Metamorphosis Monday
Boogieboard Cottage - Masterpiece Monday
Dittle Dattle - Amaze Me Monday


Leave a comment -- would love to hear from ya! :)


  1. I think it looks lovely! Great pic of your daughter. :) Hope your time away was refreshing! I think I am needing a bit of that myself. haha!

  2. Hi Rhonda! Oh, your mantle is gorgeous! Your daughter is so pretty and I don't blame you - I'd keep this out for all to see! Your home is gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. Love the picture of Ashley. It deserves that place of honor. I come and go on the "less is more." For me it just depends how I'm feeling at the time. Sometimes I decorate more than others. I think I'm getting tired of dusting and cleaning as I get older so I don't put out as much, lol! Okay, part of it is no one will bring the totes up for me and I don't want a fibromyalgia flare caused by bringing them up myself. Guess maybe my seasonal decorating will have to slow down. Love your mantle as always and the mouldings. I remember when you had those all done in the house (at least I think I remember!).

  4. P.S. Fall is my favorite time of year and I love those little pumpkins.

  5. Love your simple fall mantel. I really love that fire screen. Your daughter is so pretty, and amazing eyes.

    Thanks for visiting my front porch.

  6. I love the mantle. You did a wonderful job for fall, and your daughter's picture is the perfect crowning touch.



  7. This mantle is beautiful!


  8. Rhonda, Your mantle is so pretty. Your daughter is gorgeous. I love what you've done. You've inspired me. I'm thankful to have wood heat, even though my wood stove and brick are ugly. I do have a pretty wood mantle over top. I am drooling over your lovely fireplace. Kathi

  9. Gorgeous!!! I love the picture of your daughter she is one beautiful girl. hugs ~lynne~


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