
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saddle Ridge Ranch

Last week was VBS
{Vacation Bible School}
at our church!
The theme was "Saddle Ridge Ranch."
We met every evening, and had an average of 247 people attending.
Which is pretty amazing, considering we are aren't in a heavily populated area, and yet, there is a church of some sort on every corner.
15 people made a first time profession of faith!!! :)
I taught 2nd grade, and the kids in my class were precious!

On Friday night, we had a Commencement Service, which included a drama/musical.
David played a lead role, as Brendon.

~Below, they are gathering to go over their lines one last time before the performance.~

The backdrop was painted by a VERY talented lady in our church, Amy R. It was magnificent!

The covered wagon, below, was built and loaned to us by a man from a nearby church.

The production begins...

April S., who did a great job directing the children in music during the week, is wearing our "VBS T'shirt," and contains the key verse for VBS.
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him." ~James 1:5 (NIV)
Got ?'s ~ Ask God

Two brave souls in our church,
or maybe I should say, VERY brave ones,
"did a jig," of the movements during the song "Tumbleweed!"
Mr. Sylvan & Ricky, below...
David, on the far left below...
And not just because I'm his mother, ...I must say he did an awesome job!
I was really proud of him! :)

For the last song, the actors joined the choir of singers!
David, second to last,below...
I directed VBS last year, and a part of me missed that.
But our director for this year, Debbie S. did a wonderful job!!!
Kevin, my husband, helped with the nightly snacks, and they made 75 gallons of kool-aid!!!
~What is VBS without kool-aid & cookies! :)


  1. Wow, sounds like a great week, Rhonda. Loved the commencement photos.

  2. It sounds like a fabulous week of VBS! I LOVE the backdrop for the play. Really GREAT!! How neat that David had a lead role!!♥

  3. I love that pioneer wagon! Having had ancestors who walked across the planes from Illinois to Salt Lake City, Utah I'm very much into pioneer heritage! I love that your church does this every year. What a wonderful, wonderful program!

  4. Brings back fond memories of being involved with VBS. Looks as if it was a terrific week. How wonderful that 15 made such an important decision. I know adults today who say that their faith walk began at VBS.

  5. It looks like a great time. I like the T-Shirts!!! What a great turn out you had. I'm sure it was a wonderful experience for all.

    take care,

  6. Rhonda, I always loved VBS, both participating in it and teaching it. This looks like a great time, and I can't get over that wagon and the backdrop! Cool!

    Fifteen professions of faith? Hallelujah! :-)

    I popped over from your other blog and plan to follow you here.


    Sheila :-)

  7. Wow, it all looks and sounds fantastic. I have fond memories of VBS, and my grandson loves it, too.

    Good for you.


~Thanks for stopping in, and for letting me know you were here! I enjoy your comments! :) ~