
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Tribute

...a time to honor those who lost their lives, while serving in our armed forces.
Thank you, just doesn't seem adequate for such a noble and gallant sacrifice, so that I can be free as I am today, as my children we all are!

Seven of my uncles, and my paternal grandad, did not die in combat, but served their country proudly. My paternal grandmother was a "Rosie Riveter," during WWII, leaving North Carolina, to work in California.

My father-in-law, Bill enlisted in the Coast Guard as a young man, during Vietnam. Other than his two children and four grand-children, he considered serving his country his proudest and greatest endeavor.
He served twelve years, four of them in active duty. Until the day he died, at 64 years old, he still walked the "soldier's walk," with the click of his heel.

I've often thought, how frightening it must have been for Bill, a country boy from rural North Carolina, one of two boys, whose mother sheltered them with her care. for them three meals a day, and taking care of all their needs. How did it feel to report to duty that very first day, in a foreign environment, where the future seemed so uncertain? But he was eager and ready to go!

So, to all the brave heroes that serve(d) America well, I pay this tribute of respect to you and your families...

"A Hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself."
~ Joseph Campbell

Wishing you all a good and safe Memorial Day Weekend!
...and if you happen to be a spouse, child, father or mother of someone who has served....Thank you!
~With all due respect, Rhonda

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